Monday, 9 December 2019
Summer Learning Journey Teaser Day 1
Last week, we started the Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. I worked on learning more about the signer Lorde. Part of my task was to create a profile for her.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
today after morning tea we had Doctor thierry come in to room 1 and did some genomics with us. we had to get into three pairs or four we had paper and the chromosomes that was in the Nucleus we had to mach the chromosomes blue and red so the red was a women and the blue was a man. it was so fun and cool.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Narrative writing.
Begin Writing Here: ON a tuesday night there were three good fairies named lani my sister savina my other sister and me and my mum named any. We were going on a trip and fly up into the sky. It was so horrible house so we went as fast as we can.we got to the second house and there was a creepy little boy that was sitting out on the ground on the road. we were just flying and then we stopped so we went down there and looked at the little boy and the little boy was scared because this was the first time he has seen three fairies the little boy ran back in his house and the fairies went back up so then we went back up the sky because it was so scary it was windy but the sky was nice and blue.
When me and my mum any went back down the boy came out with the mother and the mother said that there is nothing on the ground so the mother went back into the house and the boy went to go and sit back on the footpath we went back to the boy. The boy was scared but he never went back to his mum we told the boy that if he was alright so the boy said yes but the boy wanted one thing and we said that we can do it so the boy said that he wanted everything better and happier because it was scary. So we did everything and they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Genomics Hui post.
Today we had glenbrae and Gleninnes come to pointengland school. what we did was when glenbrae and Gleninnes came to the school we all did the pray and sang a waiata. then we started and when we started the ptengland kids had to go to there home class and get in there groups of six or more then Gleninnes and glenbrea came and all the teachers.then we all had groups of a mix.we had to go to the street and talk about what we were going to do.and then the rest was so fun.i enjoyed having them and doing the fun staff with them it was so fun.this is me and my group when the other school was not her.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
siva samoa
today room one went to room five and did a Siva Samoa dance for the team five theme. the team five theme is drama. the first one we did with room one was the German dance it is on my blog. we learnt how to do the Mo'emo'e. so there was five girls in each group and in my group i had Brooklyn Nesi me and Daniella we had to learn to Samoan dances and we had it.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Friday, 27 September 2019
Attitude Talk
On Thursday we had a visitor come over and his name was tony he came to to pt England school to the team 5 to talk about technology and Attitude talk. He was talking to us about phone bad things about phones and staff like Facebook Instagram and twitter tony said that if you like Instagram and Facebook you should let your parents know that when he said that the team 5 student got a bit angry and tony new it that they were going to get angry. We enjoyed having him and hope he comes back to pt England school again and talk about more things that we should learn and listen to.
Tearm 3 production
Today after morning tea the whole school went to the toy shop in zip zap avenue when we got there. we sat on the chairs and all the light turned off then when the light turned on the toy shop started. Then we all had to zip our moths up it was a little bit funny and it was so cool watching it there was a lot of actors. My favorite part of the toy shop is when all the transformers came out and did their dance. I had a lot of fun in assembly today. I really enjoyed the production.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Figurative Language Game
Monday, 23 September 2019
Number 28
Once upon a time there was a scary tall robot that was in a bad random city with the people that were in the wall. So when the robot was walking he had no were to go, so he just stood there looking for some other robot like his friend he lost when he ran away his friend was looking for him but he gave up because it was so long to look for him. So the robot was walking he could see people that was small and he walked over to them and when the people look at the robot they ran away and there was no one that he will find so he got angry that he went away from the random city. he was looking for all the other robots, the robot was looking and looking then he found these big foot steps he said what is that so he followed the footsteps and he found his home and his robot then had a wonderful day with his family then when the robot left the city the people that belong to the city they were so happy and went back to their homes.
Friday, 30 August 2019
smart relationship qualities.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Smart Relationship.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
WALT: recognise and locate important information in a text.
on week two we did an persuasion map we had to write an conclusion about school should start later and end early i disagree because we should learn more at school.
Monday, 29 July 2019
The tree of life
The tree of life is used to explain relationships between the different
species on
earth. The animals on the bottom came before the animals on the
earth. The animals on the bottom came before the animals on the
Animals that were made millions of years ago have turned into
different animals
that we see nowadays.
that we see nowadays.

Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Monday, 22 July 2019
my prioi knowledege of persuasive writing.
Today we were writing about persuasive and we were thinking about the name persuasive we sat o the floor watching the video that what made me write these thing down.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Monday, 1 July 2019
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Friday, 10 May 2019
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Friday, 5 April 2019
This week room 1 literacy is learning how to make two sentence in to one witch is a compound sentence.This is how i made one of mine
Sally went to the movies, and Sue stayed home.
This is how it looked before
Sally went to the movies.Sue stayed home.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Thursday, 28 February 2019
free writing.
Once upon time in the bedroom there was a creepy noise that i heard When i was sleeping on my bed i woke up and there was blood under my bed i look under my bed And screamed I got so scared that i never sleeped on my bed I went on the couch but it was not big Enough so i went in my bed.Then he came again but was sad because I run outside and went in a tent i build.It started to rain soon thunder and storm came I did not wanna sleep so i stay up all night the nexts morning i went to school with a messy hair and no lunch to eat i run home and did my hair and got me some lunch I got tired when i got my lunch so i fall asleep the next morning he came again but was blue i went to school and when i came back he was in the toilet vomiting he was sick and didn’t scary me the next morning after he got better and i was use to him scaring me but he didn’t like that i was use to him scary me and soon I sore that he can transformate but he was really a puppy that got spelled he soon became my pet named coco he had got even happy that someone knows who he is.The end
hi my name is deelani and today we did free writing.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
visual mihi
hi my name is deelani and this is my visual mihi this is the four things i like to do. i like paling sport with my family that is why i darw it i like going on youtube to wacth videos and funny videos. i darwed a samoan flag because i am samoan and i like going to samoan. thank for reading.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Tuesday, 5 February 2019
about me
Hi my name is Deelani and I am a year seven at Point England School. I am ten years old and my favourite food to eat is pizza. I like to go for a run or play rugby with my brother and sisters on the grass at home. What I like doing in school is playing with my friends, and run around the field.
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