Adam had been looking for the key in the library for hours and he had never found it. Adams dad was so worried about Adam not finding the key so Adams dad went searching for the key and he had never found it. They both took a break for five minutes and went off looking for the key again.
Adam went searching under the mat and under the chair and there was nothing there he went to the table and grabbed his maginitefine classes and went to all the books looking around. Adam stooped to this big beautiful book.
Adam had looked at the book and he said I hope the key is inside this book and he opened the book. They key was not inside the book and he was so sad about not finding the key. So Adam went inside the room and opened the door and something moved from the top of the book shelf and stopped he pot down his maginitefine classes and ran down the steps and went to his room and grabbed a latter and ran back to the library he set up the latter and climb up the latter and when he got to the top it was a pair of glasses and the glasses were nice shiney.
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