
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Narrative writing

It was a nice sunny day in the morning and it was Sam's birthday.

Mum says “Happy birthday sam’’ much appreciate it mum said sam 
Dad says “Happy birthday my son’’ thank you sam said.

Sam got out of bed, went straight to the bathroom and washed his eyes and brushed his teeth.  He came back to the room and grabbed his towel. He wiped his eyes looking red and as he walked to the window he opened the curtains and it was so bright Sam was nice and warm when he opened up the curtains. He remade his bed and went off for a shower he was there for a long time so dad said “you must hurry up sam’’ Yes dad i’m almost done said sam. Sam got outta the shower and got changed. He was so fresh after having a shower.
Mum said “do you want to go to the beach for your birthday sam’’ 
Sam said Yes mum, I would like to go to the beach.
Mum said “well get you gears ready’’
Sam said “okay’’.

As Sam was getting his gear ready Sam was so happy but there was one thing that he needed to tell his mum and day. Sam said “mum and dad may we go with my friends please’’. Mum and dad say “wow we will see because it depends if the car can fit’’.

So Sam was a bit worried that his friends might not go. He was done pakking all his gear’s up.  After Sam was done pakking his gears up he grabbed his phone and rang all his friends. His friends were,mike,stanley,demi,iti and donte they were Sam’s friends and they looked after Sam they did everything Sam wanted they even walked sam home they did that to each other. He rang Stanley first. Sam rings Stanley and Stanley picks up the phone. Stanley shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM’’ Sam says “Thank you’’ and Stanley said “yes I would because I want to celebrate your birthday”.

Then mum dad and Sam went to go and pick stanley up and stanley was already ready.
Then mum and dad said “i think the car can fit for your friends” Sam said “yass”.
So they all went to get the boys and when they got in the car they started hugging Sam a lot and saying “happy birthday” and went straight to the beach. They all had a feed and drinks then they had a little rest on the sand. It was nice and warm because the sun was flashing on them.     

After having a rest they went back to mum and dad and grabbed their swimming gears they got changed and went straight to swim they had a lot of fun.
20 minutes later Sam came back and he was crying Mum says “what happen Sam”
Sam says “I scratched” my leg on the side and on the bottom” mum got a bit worried so all the boys came back and they were worried too.

So Sam and all of them had to go to the doctors and he wore a leg band. After that they went back home and had a rest. The boys were with Sam.
When Sam woke up all the boys came in the room and looked at Sam they all started laughing and had a good day at home.        

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deelani. This was an interesting story that you wrote this morning. The first part of your story is quite detailed. I would have liked to read more about what happened at the beach. Spending a birthday at the beach sounds like a lot of fun. Well done for using paragraphs and speech marks in your piece of writing. Keep up the great work.
